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I believe, from the heart, desire, self-confidence, and at times the work, success is bound to come to the front door.

Today, that story, I was crying, after a few months or a few years back when the same incident may remember, I will not cry. In some cases, if you think back to the story of the tears, smiles can get. And come to think of how much was not fool-!

Some believe it or not, let them, but I believe it's time to figure out the name of that changed everything. Thinking, suffering, love - changes everything.

This time, the inside of my new sort. Today, tomorrow or the day after to me that's worth a lot more implantation go. Today, hundreds of whom still live without pain is the pain that is difficult to think that, that might be a time, 5 days, 7 days, or even months after I do not remember his words.
Sometimes the question-brother, I have suffered from such and not to forget. I do not wish to live. Feel depressed, what do I do?
By the time he got them. TIME is a Great HEALER. Time does heal all wounds. Forget all the sorrow quietly. Take the time. Have yelled at the kid broke a toy. Now the toy has no value? Cried many times over the fall? Now hit the streets once again stood up and started walking as soon as the fall, is not it? Cry me like before? Do not! Take the time .......
The time taken drugs of all diseases. I have no pain? Take a little time to bear pain. At one time or never to forget the pain of the body, nor does it pain you remember the laugh! Do not drop tears from the eyes of two paraloi. With his hands up with rope sleeping potion or do not touch the fan.
Delete the asrutuku hand, trust me, you can change all the time. Although the wait to see ekatabara back, take your time. Maralei end all, be sustained. Dekhoi what is not? Tears dry up. The colors tend to be a little vague distress. Byathagulo slowly decreases. Give them a little time ... you're just a little time ...

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